The following lessons explain different programming concepts and have been published by our members. Search for a particular lesson using the filters
Discover the key differences between jQuery and JavaScript! Learn which to use for your web projects and enhance your coding skills today!
Read lessonHTTP
Learn about HTTP, the key protocol for web communication. Discover how it works, its request methods, and response codes. Understand the interaction between client and server, how data is transmitted, and what status codes mean. Click to explore and dive deeper into the topic.
Read lessonJavascript
Event Driven Programming
Event Driven Programming: website load, user click, window resize, etc. As a developer, you have to make sure that your applications have a flow. That flow is determined by all the possible events that can occur as the user interacts with your app.
Read lessonthe command line
the terminal
Developers spend hours every day using the command line (a.k.a: The Terminal). Embrace reality and become more powerful than ever before.
Read lessonSQL
Master SQL databases and unlock data's potential! Learn the essentials of SQL, from queries to transactions. Discover more now!
Read lessonJavascript
Discover LearnPack for interactive coding tutorials! Master coding skills with auto-graded exercises and instant feedback. Start learning today!
Read lessonHTTP
What is the Internet: Everything you see on the Internet is a text document. Everything!! As developers, all we do is generate chunks of text based on a set of criteria. If you understand this simple concept, the sky will be the limit.
Read lessonClient Server
Back End
Learn here everything about Back-End Web development and what it takes to become a Back-End developer
Read lessonJavascript
Learn the difference between controlled and uncontrolled inputs in React.js. Master form handling and enhance your app's performance today!
Read lessonPHP
web security
Master PHP sessions and learn to manage user data securely. Discover essential techniques for effective session handling in your web applications!
Read lessonJavascript
Conozca qué es Java, todos están hablando de ello y, probablemente, ya sepa que es hora de aprender a programar en Java para llevar las cosas al siguiente nivel.
Read lessonPython
Machine Learning
linear regression
Discover the power of linear regression, a model that predicts outcomes based on one or more variables. Learn about its five key assumptions and how it can help you understand relationships between data points. Dive into simple and multiple linear regression to enhance your data analysis skills.
Read lessonJavascript
For senior developers, it is imposible to think about developing a JS application without Webpack. Thanks to Webpack, developing front-end feels good and professional for the first time.So its time to learn what is webpack
Read lessoncontext.api
The Context API is one of the most recent tools that the React.js team created to handle application data flow. It is the perfect companion for building small to mid-size applications without the need of a state management library like Redux
Read lessonJavascript
Front End
Hooks are like Steroids for React Components, and they are almost impossible to avoid. This lesson will focus on the 2 most important ones: useState and useEffect.
Read lessonREST
It seems to be only the beginning of the API revolution! The path of humanity drives towards the API's architecture. You can learn any language or tool, but this is one of those few specialties that will guarantee you a well paid job for the next 60 years, so get comfortable with REST API. :)
Read lessonJavascript
It's recomended to know Javascript in general before reading this lesson, Typescript will take your Javacript knowledge to the next level super-sayayin :)
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