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  • learn to code

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¿What is Java? Learn to code in Java

How to install java?

How to install java?

We are going to be focusing on the JSE (Java Standard Edition) and and JEE (Java Enterpraise Edit.).

You are going to find that there is a Java runtime environment and a JDK (development kit).

We are developers, we need the JDK.

The oracle is the owner of the "official" version of Java, but a few years ago the Java community decided to create the Java Community Version called OpenJDK to avoid corporate interest, the OpenJDK makes more sense to avoid any possible fees and its already compatible with all docket containers and packages.

For windows users

  • For windows download the isntaller from the openjdk website.
  • For ubuntu users apt-get install OpenJDK.
  • For mac users use brew install OpenJDK.


Archetype: Its a maven configuration Maven allows you to create projects, you can pick an archetype (boilerplate) and it creates a pom.xml file that is the equivalent to a package.json in javascript, the project also comes with a src, a src/main and a src/test.

Maven also has a pubic website with all packages: mvnrepository.com, you can find all the popular java packages available to install, normally you will manually add the package URL into your pom.xml (for maven) or build.grade file (if using Gradle).

Java typical versions

Spanshot and Release

Creating a Springboot project

Everything starts on start.spring.io