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Learn Reactjs

Lessons, exercises, and projects about Reactjs

Browse our list of curated database of projects, exercises, and lessons to learn ReactJS

  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

Optimizing your components with useReducer

The React components are easy to optimize when necessary. For that we count on with the useReducer hook, which allows us to encapsulates not only the state of a component, but also the logic that comes with it. Now we'll see....

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  • Flux

  • ReactJS

Learn What is React Flux

Without Flux, React is just a cute front-end library. React Flux will make it a framework, giving your application a defined structure, taking care of the data-processing layer, and much more about what is flux.

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  • Javascript

  • Controlled Inputs

  • Inputs

What are controlled and/or uncontrolled inputs in React.js

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  • Javascript

  • React Hooks

  • React useState

Simple Counter

  • easy

Use your react.js skills to make a simple counter component

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  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

Audio player like Spotify with React.js

  • intermediate

Use the audio tag to create your own music player

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  • Bootstrap

  • ReactJS

Personal Portfolio with React

  • easy

Steps to create your first personal porfolio using React.js

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  • Javascript

  • git

  • ReactJS

Multi View React Web App

  • easy

Create a web app using React router and Context

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  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

Contact List App Using React & Context

  • intermediate

Create a simple contact list application using React.js

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  • Javascript

  • React Hooks

  • React useState

Traffic Light

  • easy

Create a small react component with its own state and event listeners

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  • ReactJS

Learn React Here : React Js Tutorial

React is a front-end library ideal for creating interfaces (generate HTML+CSS). It's the fastest, most advanced, and most wanted library in the market right now. Don't stay behind, learn React JS here with this React JS tutorial

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  • ReactJS

Creating React Components

React.js bread and butter. Become a master in React Components and you have conquered the front-end world of React.

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  • ReactJS

  • Javascript

  • React useState

React Hooks Explained

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  • ReactJS

  • Javascript

  • React useState

Contact List App Using React & Flux

  • intermediate

Create a simple contact list application using the React.js framework and Flux Architecture

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  • Javascript

  • Node

  • JWT

JWT Authentication with Node and React

  • intermediate

Almost every website in the world has user authentication, in this project you have to implement user authentication using NodeJS for building a backend REST API and React.js and sessionStorage API for the front end web application.

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  • React Context API

  • postgres

  • JWT

Final Project User Stories & Wireframes

  • intermediate

Create the users stories for your final project

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  • Javascript

  • HTML and CSS

  • ReactJS

The Meetup.com Clone using react.js

  • intermediate

Use React and HTTP Fetch to create a Meetup.com clone

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  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

Starwars blog reading list

  • intermediate

Create a simple to-read website for Star Wars fans. Use the SWAPI to fetch and React + React Router + Context to save the reading list.

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  • Javascript

  • React Hooks

  • ReactJS

Learn React.js Interactively

  • easy

Learn and practice ReactJS using hooks, interactive tutorial with dozens of react exercises, get instant feedback with automatic grading and watch video solutions afterwards.

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  • Javascript

  • React Router

  • ReactJS

Routing our Views with React Router

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  • ReactJS

Global state with the Context API

The Context API is one of the most recent tools that the React.js team created to handle application data flow. It is the perfect companion for building small to mid-size applications without the need of a state management library like Redux

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  • Flux

  • javascript

  • context.api

Create a Todolist with Context.API and Flux

  • intermediate

Use Flux for the first time, learn how to organize you application in a centralized store and how to replicate changes and notify using the Context.API

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  • Javascript

  • React Hooks

  • React useState

TicTacToe with React.js

  • easy

Create a simple tictactoe 2 player game (no AI), using the React.js framework

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  • Javascript

  • ReactJS

Todolist Application Using React

  • intermediate

Create a simple todo web app using the React.js framework

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  • APIs

  • Fetch API

  • ReactJS

Todolist Application Using React and Fetch

  • easy

Create a simple todo web app using the React.js framework and use the API to sync with the server

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  • Javascript

  • Bootstrap

  • HTML and CSS

Landing Page with React

  • easy

Create a simple landing page using React.js components

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  • Javascript

  • Python

  • Flask

Authentication system with Python Flask and React.js

  • easy

Almost every website in the world has user authentication, in this project you have to implement user authentication using the Python Flask framework for building a backend REST API and React.js and sessionStorage API for the front end web application.

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  • ReactJS

How to use React Global Context?

Learn how to harness React Global Context to streamline state management in your applications. Master the power of global state for efficient data sharing.

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