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For all the self-taught geeks out there, here is our content library with most of the learning materials we have produced throughout the years.

It makes sense to start learning by reading and watching videos about fundamentals and how things work.

Full-Stack Software Developer - 16w

Data Science and Machine Learning - 16 wks

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Learn Git

Lessons, exercises, and projects about Git

Browse our list of curated database of projects, exercises, and lessons to learn git

  • git

How to use GIT: Version Control System

Learn how to use GIT with an interactive tutorial, video, and great article. Without GIT you won't be able to work at any company, and you won't be able to use anyone's code.

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  • GitHub

  • git

How to clone a github repository

Cloning is the fastest way to download a project or code, in this lessons we will explain how to clone and the difference it has with forking

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  • Javascript

  • git

  • ReactJS

Multi View React Web App

  • easy

Create a web app using React router and Context

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  • GitHub

  • git

  • HTML and CSS

Building a Website Collaboratively

  • easy

Build website among a team of several collaborators

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