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Why build a final project

What Is a Capstone Project?
Key Points of Capstone Projects

In this article, we will explain why "Capstone Projects" in our bootcamps are so important. Click here if you're looking for guidance on how to choose or start your project. You can also check out the previous projects that students have completed here.

There are several reasons that make sense when you understand our teaching framework. The main benefit is to stabilize your memory, but many other important aspects, such as motivation, learning to collaborate, etc., come into play.

Before the final project existed, student performance was dramatically better. Including it as a requirement within the bootcamp has been the change that has most increased the course's quality.

What Is a Capstone Project?

We can define them as a unique project that integrates and utilizes all the skills and knowledge that have been taught during the course. πŸ’ The cherry 🍰 on top of the cake at the end of the bootcamp.

The capstone project is a simulation of a real-life project, and your experience in developing it will likely be similar to your future work within a company

Main Objective of the Capstone Project

Learning technical skills is like learning to ride a πŸš΄πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ bicycle. Often, just reading a manual isn't enough. You need to practice on a real bicycle to truly learn. This is called "active learning", and despite being a practice used in the world's best educational environments and documented since 1992, at 4Geeks, we've perfected and included it as one of our educational principles

🧠 Active Learning is the best way to stabilize your memory.

On the other hand, the capstone project will be the first time you define your own goals. This is the best tool discovered to date to increase motivation in learning.

All learning content that meets these two conditions: Active Learning and Self-determined Learning, will have a high success rate in teaching you technical skills.

The capstone project is active and self-determined

Key Points of Capstone Projects

Memory Stability

We know the course is very fast, you've read and practiced a lot, but probably you're not aware of everything you've learned. You need to stabilize your memory. When you start the final project, you will be forced to review the knowledge from the first weeks. Then, you will connect the different pieces because you have to integrate them. We're looking for that eureka moment!


Recruiters are increasingly harder to impress; you must assume that all the other candidates for your dream job have a quality portfolio demonstrating their experience. "Hello world" projects are no longer enough. Capstone Projects are your great opportunity to shine and demonstrate your skills! As a student, the main thing is to choose a project that impresses and excites you. Concentrate your efforts on solving a real problem that interests you and set clear goals from the beginning.

You'll be surprised at how relatively easy it can be to create something innovative and impressive, rather than going down the traditional, more laborious routes. We talk about this in more detail in this article on how to choose your final project.


Working in teams on technical projects is very difficult, as it involves not only the same human communication difficulties but also significant technical challenges. You must learn to use best practices and tools to avoid conflicts, not overwrite your colleagues' work, and keep track of changes, reviewing them frequently, etc.

Employers know how challenging teamwork can be, which is why they highly value these "soft" skills in candidates.

The final project is a collaborative environment very similar to the real world, and you will face the typical problems and challenges that companies do.

Build Confidence

During the course, you've probably felt unsure, and your impostor syndrome is out of control. πŸ™‚ That's normal!

Confidence is achieved when you realize that you have learned and can be useful without depending on others.

Successfully completing part or all of the final project will dramatically affect your confidence. Furthermore, due to the close collaboration with your peers, you will realize that they are at similar levels of understanding to yours, and this will also have a very positive impact on your confidence.

Simulate Real Life

Educational projects are like a honeymoon; the universe is aligned for you to complete them. It's ideal for your first steps. However, you must know that real life is different. Encountering problems and setbacks during the final project is good; it allows you to train in how to solve and prevent those problems. Employers value this type of knowledge above all else

Ask for Help and Feedback

Without wanting to be repetitive, we urge you to use all the mechanisms available at 4Geeks to get feedback and help. Getting feedback frequently is how 4Geeks ensures you can have self-determined learning. Micro-feedbacks will dramatically increase your learning.

Start Your Project, and Do It Publicly πŸ’¬ πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦!

We have discussed before why it's so important to learn in public. Share your project online so more people can see it. Demonstrate your commitment and skills throughout the project. Post a little every day. You can do it