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Every week, we pick a real-life project to build your portfolio and get ready for a job. All projects are built with ChatGPT as co-pilot!
Start the ChallengeA tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight the enemies that blocks your way to become a successful professional in tech.
Listen the podcastWe are going to build one API to manage tasks (Todo List). Similar to this api:
Use the python/flask or node/express boilerplate, and clone the repository on Gitpod to avoid any local issues in your computer because you will need to have MySQL or PostgreSQL and Node.js or Python 3.7+ installed (already installed on Gitpod).
Create an API that connects to a MySQL database and implements the Following Endpoints.
[GET] /todos/user/<username>
Get the list of todo's for a particular user.[POST] /todos/user/<username>
Create a new todo list of a particular user.[PUT] /todos/user/<username>
Update the entire list of todo's of a particular user.[DELETE] /todos/user/<username>
Delete a user and all of their todo's.This exercise will make you practice the following fundamentals:
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Every week, we pick a real-life project to build your portfolio and get ready for a job. All projects are built with ChatGPT as co-pilot!
Start the ChallengeA tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight the enemies that blocks your way to become a successful professional in tech.
Listen the podcast