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Product Page in plain HTML/CSS


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


  • Layouts

  • Flex Box

  • HTML and CSS

  • CSS Grid


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


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Build a Product Landing Page with Plain HTML/CSS

Product Landing Page Exercise for HTML/CSS

Doing layouts is one of the most difficult things in CSS/HTML, but it has never been a good technology for that purpose, which is weird and sad because it's its main focus. 🤔🤪

But in the past couple of years everything has been improving, since 2018 we can use now the CSS rules display: flex; and display: grid;.

There are also some CSS frameworks like Bootstrap that is broadly used in ~30% of the world websites., Foundation, Material UI, etc. But this exercise is focused mainly on polishing your plain CSS/HTML skills.

📝 Instructions

  1. Replicate this exact product page in HTML/CSS. You cannot use any CSS framework and the landing does not have to be responsive.
  2. Use the images on the ./assets folder.
  3. Use the flex-box CSS rules, here is a great document explaining about it: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/

🌱 How to start this project

This project comes with the necessary files to start working, but you have two options to start:

a) Use gitpod (recomended): open this link in your browser to open it with gitpod: https://gitpod.io#https://github.com/breatheco-de/exercise-product-landing-page-plain-css

b) You can clone this repository on your local computer:

1$ git clone https://github.com/breatheco-de/exercise-product-landing-page-plain-css.git

Make sure that you have node.js installed in your computer and run the following command on your terminal to preview your website:

1npx --yes http-server -c-1

💡 Important: Remember to create a new repository, update the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and upload the code to your new repository using add, commit and push.

Note: you will have to refresh your browser every time you update your code.

🥵 No one tells you this:

  • 40% of the errors when doing HTML are missing or misplaced closing tags, to avoid that you should open a close the tag at the same time and then you fill the tag content.

  • Picking the names of the CSS classes is the real trick: The names of the classes shape your mindset. Instead of using business-oriented naming like product1, product2, about-us, etc. You should use behavior-oriented names like menu or horizontal-list, etc. That will help you re-use classes a lot.

  • Don't use the <img> for images that will be uploaded later by a user, you should instead use <div> with background images, the image tag is only used for little things.


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


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  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


Weekly Coding Challenge

Every week, we pick a real-life project to build your portfolio and get ready for a job. All projects are built with ChatGPT as co-pilot!

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Podcast: Code Sets You Free

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