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Simple Instagram Photo Feed with HTML/CSS


  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs


  • Layouts

  • HTML and CSS


  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs


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  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs


Weekly Coding Challenge

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Podcast: Code Sets You Free

A tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight the enemies that blocks your way to become a successful professional in tech.

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Everyone knows Instagram, it's an ideal fun exercise to practice your beginner HTML/CSS skills. On this project, you will be exercising the following concepts:

  • Reusing CSS classes.
  • Display and Position CSS Rules.
  • Building a layout with CSS/HTML.
  • Centering containers.
  • Flow left and right.
  • Importing images.

🌱 How to start this project

Do not clone this repository because we are going to be using a different template.

We recommend opening the html template repository using a provisioning tool like Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod. Alternatively, you can clone it to your local computer using the git clone command.

This is the repository you need to open:


πŸ‘‰ Please follow these steps on how to start a coding project.

πŸ“ Instructions

Using everything you have learned with HTML and CSS3, please create a website that replicates this gif in every way (pixel perfect):

(Click here to expand)

Use the display property like in the old days or the new flex CSS property to make the posts feed.

πŸ“’ Resources

  • This video from "The Net Ninja" is amazing to start understanding flexbox.

  • Here is the strategy for the exercise: Instagram Photo Feed Strategy

  • Please discuss with your coding partner, any other student, or mentor any questions you may have. Coding is hard for everyone.


  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs


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  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

6 hrs


Weekly Coding Challenge

Every week, we pick a real-life project to build your portfolio and get ready for a job. All projects are built with ChatGPT as co-pilot!

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Podcast: Code Sets You Free

A tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight the enemies that blocks your way to become a successful professional in tech.

Listen the podcast