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Todo List API + VanillaJS Front


  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


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  • intermediate

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16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


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This exercise is divided in two main phases:

  1. Back-End: Building a todo list API.
  2. Front-End: Creating a HTML/CSS/JS app.

Exercise diagram

If you already did the front-end or the back-end phase in a previous exercises (or something similar) you can copy & paste your code into this boilerplate and adapt it to make it work, you will still learn a lot by doing that.

🌱 How to start this project

Do not clone this repository.

The first step to start coding is cloning the vanillajs + flask boilerplate on your local computer or opening it using gitpod.

a) If using Gitpod (recommended) you can clone the boilerplate by clicking here.

b) If working locally type the following command from your command line:

1$ git clone https://tinyurl.com/yfj4grel

πŸ’‘ Important: Remember to create a new repository, update the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and upload the code to your new repository using add, commit and push.

πŸ“ Back-end Instructions

Add the endpoints to create one task, delete one task and get all tasks. Implements the Following Endpoints.

[GET] /todos Get the list of todo's.
[POST] /todos Add a new todo to the list.
[DELETE] /todos/<int:position> Delete a single todo, given it's position.

πŸ“ Front-end Instructions

Create a HTML/CSS/JS app that allows any user to manage a todo list:

  • List all the todos.
  • Add a new todo.
  • Delete a todo when clicking on the todo trash icon.

πŸ€— Suggested steps to complete this project

Show/Render the todos

  1. Create the HTML/CSS design for the todo list, you can borrow this code if you like, but you will have to understand it perfectly to be able to use it properly. You todo list needs to look similar to this:

Todo List Zoomed Out

🀘🏼 Note: You can create your own design if you are feeling confident.

  1. Once you finished the HTML and CSS try creating a function addTodo(title) inside of your src/front/js/index.js that receives the task title and appends a new item to the list of todos. It's recommended to use the DOM appendChild function to create the new item inside the list of todos, you can try calling the function yourself and see if it works.

⚠️ Important: Each task must contain a trash icon that shows when the task is hovered.

  1. Using the Fetch API on your src/front/js/index.js write a fetch call inside the window.onload to get all the todos from the API: GET /todos.

Remember that according to the fetch API, the fetch function must receive two functions, one for the .then() and one for the .catch(). Those functions will be called depending on the request successfull completition or failure

1fetch('url', options) 2 .then(response => { 3 if(response.status == 200) return response.json(); 4 }) 5 .then(response => { 6 // successfully completed, you should call the addTodo function here. 7 }) 8 .catch(error => console.log("Error fetching todos:", error));
  1. Once the fetch to get all the todos is finished you should render the todos in HTML by deleting all the items inside the list and calling the function addTodo as many times as needed.

Delete one todo

  1. To implement the delete feature: On your src/front/js/index.js, create a function called deleteTask that will be called when any trash icon is clicked.

Single Task

5.1 The function gets called onClick on the trash can icon. 5.2 The function receives one parameter e that contains the event information with e.target being the trash can that was clicked. 5.3 Using the fetchAPI the function must do a DELETE request to your API: DELETE /todo/<int:position>

Add one Todo

This feature is triggered after the user types the title of the todo into the <input> located at the top of the list, and then the user clicks on the add button beside the input.

  1. Add an onClick listener to the add button that calls a new function createTodo. 6.1 On your src/front/js/index.js declare a function createTodo that recives e as a parameter with the event information. 6.2 Use the document.querySelector function to select the input from the DOM and get it's value (the input value will be whatever the user typed as the todo title). 6.3 Store that value in a variable. 6.4 Use the fetch API to to create a POST /todo and add the task title as the body of the request with content-type json. 6.5 Wait for the response to come back by using the .then() and .catch() available. 6.6 If the response lands on the .then check for the status code. 6.7 If the status code is 200 call the function addTodo that you declared on the second step, that function will append the todo into the list of HTML items.

😎 Feeling confident?

  • Implement a method to mark the todos as done, add a second button beside the trash can to mark the task as read, when the task is marked as read you can use the line-through CSS property.
  • Implement a method to update the todo title, you will have to add a new endpoint on your API for PUT /todo/<int:position> and a updateTodo javascript function on your index.js that gets called then a TODO is edited. You can add a pencil icon that when the user clicks on it it replaces the todo element with a text input that the user can write on it.


  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


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  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


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Podcast: Code Sets You Free

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