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CSS Drawing Goku


  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs



  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs


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  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs



  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs


Weekly Coding Challenge

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It's amazing what you can achieve with CSS, you can create very detailed drawings that replicate almost the same things any images can do, and the best thing is that CSS files weight 90% less that traditional .png or .jpeg files.

🌱 How to start this project

Do not clone this repository.

The first step to start coding is cloning the html boilerplate on your local computer or opening it using gitpod.

a) If using Gitpod (recommended) you can clone the boilerplate by clicking here.

b) If working locally type the following command from your command line: $ git clone https://github.com/4GeeksAcademy/html-hello.

💡 Important: Remember to create a new repository, update the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and upload the code to your new repository using add, commit and push.

📝 Instructions

Please use your CSS knowledge to replicate the following image:

Son Goku Image


  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs



  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs


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  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs



  • hard

Average duration

8 hrs


Weekly Coding Challenge

Every week, we pick a real-life project to build your portfolio and get ready for a job. All projects are built with ChatGPT as co-pilot!

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Podcast: Code Sets You Free

A tech-culture podcast where you learn to fight the enemies that blocks your way to become a successful professional in tech.

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