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Full-Stack Software Developer - 16w

Data Science and Machine Learning - 16 wks

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Aprende Flask

Lecciones, ejercicios y proyectos sobre Flask

Explore nuestra lista seleccionada de proyectos, ejercicios y lecciones para aprender Flask

  • Python

  • Flask

  • Machine Learning

Despliega Modelos AI en Render.com usando Flask

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  • Flask

  • APIs

  • JWT

Comprendiendo JWT y como implementar un JWT simple con Flask

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  • Data Structures

  • Static File Storage

  • Python

API Manejador de colas

  • intermediate

Develop and API that integrates with Twilio.com to recreate a Queue Managment System similar to

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  • React Context API

  • postgres

  • JWT

Final Project User Stories & Wireframes

  • intermediate

Create the users stories for your final project

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  • Data Structures

  • Serialization

  • Python

Family Static API with Flask

  • easy

Create an API to show family members

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  • Javascript

  • Python

  • Flask

Sistema de Autenticación con Python, Flask y React.js

  • easy

Almost every website in the world has user authentication, in this project you have to implement user authentication using the Python Flask framework for building a backend REST API and React.js and sessionStorage API for the front end web application.

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  • Python

  • Flask

  • Machine Learning

Implementar Modelo Usando Flask y Heroku

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  • REST

  • Python

  • Flask

Construye un API REST de StarWars

  • easy

The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.

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  • Python

  • Flask

  • Data Science

Tutorial de aplicacion web de ml usando flask

  • easy

Use Flask to create a machine learning web application to predict Titanic survival.

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  • REST

  • Flask

Build a StarWars REST API

  • easy

The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.

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  • REST

  • Python

  • Flask

Contact List API

  • intermediate

Using the Flask o Django library in Python, create an API that supports: Creating, Updating, Reading and Deleting contacts.

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  • REST

  • Python

  • Flask

Construyendo APIs REST utilizando Flask

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  • Data Structures

  • Serialization

  • Python

Arbol Familiar Estático API con Flask

  • easy

Create an API to read from a family tree structure

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  • Python

  • Flask

  • Data Science

Tutorial de Pagina Web de ML con Streamlit

  • easy

Use Streamlit to create a machine learning web application to predict Titanic survival.

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  • Python

  • The DOM

  • json

Todo List API + VanillaJS Front

  • intermediate

Let's build a todo list from zero to publish using a Python Flask API and a Vanilla.js front-end

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  • Python

  • json

  • Logging

Todo List API

  • intermediate

Build a Todo List API using Flask or Django

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