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Full-Stack Software Developer - 16w

Data Science and Machine Learning - 16 wks

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Aprende The command line

Lecciones, ejercicios y proyectos sobre The command line

Explore nuestra lista seleccionada de proyectos, ejercicios y lecciones para aprender The Command Line

  • Python

  • The Command Line

  • Data Structures

Reporte de Jerarquía de Archivos

  • easy

Scanning files in a computer and building a report based on the findings

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  • Python

  • The Command Line

  • cmd

Generador de excuses CLI (python)

  • easy

Disneyland for procrastinators. This excuse generator in python takes no more than 20 lines of code and can save you for the rest of your life!

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  • REST

  • Python

  • The Command Line

Todo List API con Python Flask Interactivo

  • easy

Create a Todo list API Interactively using Python language and the Flask Framework

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  • The Command Line

  • cmd

  • Bash

Desafío de Línea de Comando

  • easy

This command line challenge is designed to make become familiar with the bash/command line. The challenge goes over the most used commands every developer needs to know, in order to succeed in real life.

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  • The Command Line

Como instalar NVM en Windows

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  • Python

  • Terminal

  • The Command Line

Generador de cartas aleatorias CLI

  • easy

Use your Python skills to randomly draw a poker card on every time the algorithm runs

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  • Python

  • csv

  • The Command Line

Todo List CLI con Python

  • easy

Todo List CLI using Python

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  • HTTP

  • Python

  • The Command Line

Crea una app de un diccionario en la terminal

  • easy

Conect to the UrbanDictionary.com API to create an app that can be used from the terminal to retrieve meanings of words

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  • Python

  • Terminal

  • csv

TicTacToe CLI con Python

  • easy

Crea un TicTacToe List CLI usando Python

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  • Queue Data Structure

  • Data Structures

  • Static File Storage

Manejador de colas CLI con Python

  • intermediate

Terminal-based queue management application

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  • HTTP

  • Python

  • The Command Line

Todo List CLI en la nube

  • easy

Todo List CLI using saving and retrieving the Todo's on the cloud

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  • List

  • Python

  • The Command Line

Algoritmo de compresión con Python

  • easy

Building a Compression Algorithm using Python and Emojis

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  • Node

  • Javascript

  • The Command Line

Tutorial API con Node

  • easy

Este es un tutorial interactivo que enseñará como crear una API con Node.

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